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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Finally, the end of term has come and I'm back in Malaysia, sleeping in my own bed, making a mess in my own room without having to neaten it every morning, and back to good, ol' home cooked food.

As for the entire past 11 weeks, things have been looking a heck of a lot better from term two. I feel like I've just taken a huge step forward from the past and now, looking back on things presents no regret to me. I'm glad for everything that has happened this term, and I'm proud to say that I am finally happy after such a horrible, depressing period.

Last week was as usual, a busy week. With all the last weeks of every term at school, things are always bound to be hectic. We are usually suffocated with endless numbers of assessment tasks and assignments, all due within a week, days, hours. Packing up our rooms in the boarding house makes everything more painful that it already is. For the Year 11s, coming back from 2 weeks of exams, followed by a Year 11 Retreat and the last minute works of the Year 12 goodbye cards - makes up for all the assignments and assessment tasks we miss out on at the end of the term.

My room on Wednesday night. I absolutely despise packing.

During the last few days of school as a Year 11, I also celebrated the last few days of Term 3 with this year's Year 12s. And ohhhhh am I going to miss them so.

(From the left) Vanessa, Stephalepha and I. Bronte/Singer tutorgroup.
I'm going to miss bullying Steph x(

On the last night of the Term, we celebrated the Year 12s and said our goodbyes to them as they begin the final exam of their school careers, the HSC. The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner was great. Good food, good fun and a good lot of tears, overall.

(From the left) Hayley, me and Linda of Dorm 5. My favourite Year 12s :)
I have to hand Hayls a gold medal for continuously braving my endless bullying . And Linda, she's the sweetest person I have ever
met, and with that nightingale's voice... What will the boarding house be without her?

Me and my favourite Year 12 girl, MINT (or as she prefers to be called, Brooke).
This Mint/Brooke/Phailin is a reminder of my sanity, my gym buddy of the term and a companion who I will never forget.

(From the left) Jessica, Melissa, me and Sally. Future Year 12s in the following term.

I have uploaded a heck of alot more photographs to my Flickr site, which can be found HERE.

Here's to a fantastic following term, the start to my final schooling Year and the dreadful course of the HSC.

PS. I didn't do too well for my exams, on the whole. I'd say I did averagely well in all exams. I seriously need to work harder. I've decided to give a shot at Modern History Ext, just the chances for a better UAI a boost. I'm going to really consider studying alot more. X)


& turned on the lights; 14:20

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My pulse is rising and my heart just will not stop beating. Tonight is the night, the Year 12s get their revenge on the boarders. I'm feeling quite worried and afraid, but there's this little spark about to go off - this spark is terribly confident in itself. Uncontrollable. I'm feeling sick. I just want this night to be over and done with, so I can return home and sleep and eat and watch tv.

I've already rebelled against the Year 12s. They came around our dorms telling us to wear our undies on the outside of our clothes, and I said I refused. "You're gonna get it, Rae." Yeah, I'm aware of that. I know who's targeting me already, and I don't really care.

My stomach's got butterflies in it right now. The Year 12s saved last night's dinner's rubbish, and we can all guess why. I heard the theme was PRISONERS but I could've heard a lie from an anonymous Year 12 source. It could be RED INDIANS for all I know!

Tonight was the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner for Boarders. Good fun. Good food. Alot of pictures. All to be uploaded back home in KL. I just can't be bothered right now.

My friends have told me that I'm a lunatic to not listen to Year 12 orders. Something in me is saying DON'T DO IT. I'd like to see what happens anyway.

Got a whole bunch of exam results back. I'll post them up later.

This is a bit of a random post, and I'm sorry. I don't really know what I'm saying anyway. I think I'm going to go sit on my bed and wait for the Year 12s. Anxiously.

Till next time, back home in Malaysia

& turned on the lights; 20:01

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm currently in a very swearing/grr/tired/edge-of-paranoia mood, with not only the end of term 3, but the end of the Preliminary year, otherwise known as Year 11. After the holidays, I begin Year 12, the Higher School Certificate year, where every assessment task will count towards our final score. Honestly, I've been feeling quite panicked about this transition into the final year of school. It's very overwhelming, what with the Year 11 Retreat I just returned from this afternoon, which was basically a preparation for the many difficult obstacles that we will need to overcome in Year 12. Just being there, sitting in a room full of my year's class and listening to the seminars being hosted for us - the fact that we will be Year 12s next term is a little scary.

That would mean I need to begin working harder. I need to manage my time alot effectively and I need to be thinking about what I want to work towards, in goals (like a UAI goal). During the holidays, I've been advised to study. But you know me, will I really do it?

I'm feeling a mixture of excitement and this tinge of paranoia, what with the end of term. I'm going home this Friday afternoon, and just the thought of it makes me jump on cloud nine. I simply can't wait! Otherwise, I need to be working on the Year 12 goodbye card in time for the Year 12 Valedictory dinner (Thursday), goody shopping for mum (chocolates and peanut butter, some kind of moisteuriser for Shaz) and the most hectic of them all, PACKING.

Yes, that time of the term has come again.

PS. Thank God I don't have assignments and tasks due this week. Ahem, as it is the ENDOFMYGODDAMNWHATTHEHEFFALUMPYEAR 11 >.< !!!!!!

& turned on the lights; 20:36

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Melbourne was awesome! I had too much fun, one could say, while all my mates back in Sydney were all having exams. I stayed at Lang's place during my stay, and maaaan did we do quite a fair bit. We spent alot of time in the city, where we caught Nacho Libre, ate like piggies, walked miles and met with my old AISM buddy Wayne Chong. We also visited the Melbourne Museum which was pretty damn interesting, compared to alot of other museums I've been to in my lifetime. Another place we visited was St Kilda's Beach, which we mistook for the South Melbourne Beach.

Everything was just... excellent! At the end of the trip, when I arrived back in the boarding house, I fell into a deep slumber from exhaustion. That was how great the trip was.

Well, I've been back for a couple of days and I'm still pretty laid back about everything. I've got three days of school left, basically (not including Muckup day and Year 11 Retreat). I've got TAFE on Monday, which is when I must hand in a whole bunch of work which I have not completed. I'm just not in the mood for work. Year 11 is soooo over for me, and I feel like I'm already in the holiday mood.

I'm off to the Year 11 Retreat tomorrow afternoon, and will be back on Monday evening. Sighs, I don't want to go listen to a bunch of seminars about how to relieve yourself from stress and time/task management during our HSC year. I don't bloody care, really. I just want the weekend off to myself, you know, catch a movie like Talladega Nights or read The Devil Wears Prada...

Well then, might as well get started on some work for tomorrow's panicking and Monday's death :)

uge thanks to Lang PF for giving up his bed for my accomodation in Melbourne! :)))

PPS. Pics of Melbourne have been uploaded to my Flickr, which is

& turned on the lights; 21:14

Saturday, September 16, 2006


This show must be ancient, but it's too funny to not love!

This has been, for the last couple of days, my source of entertainment. I pray JB Hi-Fi will have it on DVD :3

PS. Going to Melbourne to visit LANG :)))))
this coming Monday evening. Hoo hah!

& turned on the lights; 23:04

Friday, September 15, 2006

Oh spring is really starting to show itself again. After hiding away behind some very, very strong and gusty winds from the coast, and hailstorms and long hours of thunder and pouring rain, the sun has finally come out. :)

I was sitting in my room the whole Friday afternoon (after having a Modern History exam in the morning) basically bumming around, watching A Bit of Fry and Laurie (80s comedy) on Youtube and climbing into bed with Sam (the green love of my life) and shortly after that, falling asleep.

This is what an afternoon should be like. (Minus the napping part, because I don't like afternoon naps - it just makes me all energetic during the night, eg. now)

It's getting harder and harder to believe that I only have so few days left in Year 11. I don't want to move to Year 12 yet. Not just yet. I don't feel ready, yet I want to get everything over and done with. I mean, I'm so curious to know what uni would be like, and life without school commitments (but other kinds, like work and uni lectures etc). I wonder about it all the time. And what uni courses would I be interested in? Would I try my parents for an apartment near the city?

Bah, I'm not ready for those things. I need not worry about them yet. I just need to enjoy assessment tasks that mean nothing in a few weeks time, and the time as a Year 11 girl.

Only one exam left! Japanese Speaking this Monday arvo. I haven't written my Japanese report yet. Need to do that this weekend, yes I need to. :]


& turned on the lights; 22:11

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Here's a little video to begin the post. It's from the movie Stuart Little. I honestly think the Littles are such a cute family :3333 ZOMGHUGHLAURIESINGINGANDPLAYINGTHEPIANOATTHESAMETIME!!!!1

English and Christian Studies. Mathematics. I can breathe a little after them.
Biology. Japanese written and speaking. Modern History. I'm almost done!

English wasn't as bad as I had thought. I managed to finish before our time was up, and I felt like I had too much to say in my essay of Jane Eyre and the different interpretations of the novel. I'm praying for a C grade. Better yet, a B would get me running around on cloud nine. Christian Studies, however, was a complete waste of my time. I hadn't prepared for the two essays that we were supposed to write, and I was quickly running out of bullshit to add to my lacking paragraphs. That was fifty-minutes of shear pain. God was punishing probably punishing me for not studying enough. Maths was... challenging. I think I could've done alot better, if I was given alot more time to do more study and chapter reviews.

So, that's two major exams down. Four more to go (the rest of my exams, they're all important). One minutely minor exam down, as well. Thank God for that!

Besides the hectic and considerably last minute exam preparations, I have been well. I spent last Saturday afternoon with Mint in the city. The weather was absolutely horrendous! I thought Malaysian storms were terrible. Hmm, Sydney storms could be worse! It's as if there was a hurricane coming towards the eastern suburbs where we reside. Everyday, you'd hear the rain being shot at the windows, the surfaces - it's loud. I have a feeling there have been some cases of hail during the past few days. Nevertheless, the weather didn't stop me (although it almost did!) from leaving my English and Maths books behind in the boarding house. At the city, we did everything one could do when presently there - shop, walk, walk, eat and walk somemore. It was fun :)

I'm finding it a little hard to believe that the term is finally coming to an end. The exams are really all downhill for us Year 11s now. I'm quite glad things are coming to an end. It just means I won't have a bloody heavy and overweight suitcase to bring back to KL with me this coming spring break! ;) Otherwise, I dread the thought of leaving Year 11 and the transition into Year 12. The final year! rings in my head, continuously. There are good and bad points to this. However, I know that whatever it is, I'll still have to face it and I will still have to move on.

On a side note, this morning was simply indescribable to me. A moment I feel I need to forget, but while I'm still in the fact that I had the strength in mind and ability to do such a thing, I'm going to smile about it.

Things are going to look alot better :)

& turned on the lights; 15:59

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My first exam begins in NINE hours. English. What a lovely way to start the exam week.

And then I have Christian Studies to top my Monday off. Joy.

I wouldn't say I studied very much this weekend, but I'm fairly confident that I'll be fine. Besides, "it's only Year 11". It's just practice for the big guns next term onwards.

Wish me luck. :)


PS. Added a little widget at the bottom of my chatterbox. It's like a little chat thing. Talk to me if you find me online! Busy, away, BRB or whatever, throw me a hello :)

& turned on the lights; 22:24

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Cirque Du Soleil's Varekai kicked strange reptile/human ass. Everything about it was absolutely OUT OF THIS WORLD! The costumes! The music! The props! The dancers! The COLOUR! Ahh!

I had seen one of CDS's performances on DVD at a friend's place (Su!) a long time ago, and I wasn't very compelled and awed by the colours and choreography of the dances. I honestly thought it was quite boring.

Watching them, live and upfront is a great big difference. It's just absolutely stunning to watch. The dancers are brilliant and graceful in the way they move and bend. I was really stunned during the entire show.

And really, I suppose missing out on 2 hours of study for Varekai doesn't deserve to be on my regret list.

Being in a large tent all night, we really didn't know what was happening on the outside. When the whole performance ended, we slowly moved towards the exits, where people had halted and shuffled along to the sides. It was raining. No, let me make it clearer.

It was pouring. Raining cats and dogs. But being the crazy-blooded St Caths boarders we were, realising we had school tomorrow and a bus waiting outside the entertainment grounds more than a km away, we ran for it. Thank goodness for my sweater, which protected myself from catching a cold as a result of the wet. Otherwise the rest of me was soaking wet. I felt like I had just jumped into the shower and out without a towel to dry my hair. People are going to get sick soon, I can sense it.

Tomorrow's pinks notices:
"Attention all tutorgroups: all boarders are absent. Sick from last night's rain."

If only!

Well I must be studying for a little Japanese vocabulary test tomorrow. I wished I'd done some work during today's two concurrent free periods. I'm such an idiot.

PS. Some pictures taken at the circus.

[From the left] Erinna (ehehrinrinnana), me and Phailinnn!

Me and Renren (Karen)!

Melissa and me!

& turned on the lights; 21:26

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ugh. Spring. I don't like Spring very much. "But it's lovely! The weather is absolutely gorgeous!" Hmph. I don't like it very much. I don't like the heat.

I'm going to miss winter, as strange as that may sound. I'll miss curling up in bed from some kind of frostbite, wrapping my numb, blue hands around a mug of hot chocolate, wearing layers upon layers in order to keep myself warm... Winter does this to me. Now I need time to settle back into my shirts. Goodbye sweaters. Goodbye knee-length socks. Goodbye hot chocolate on cold, winter nights.

The Spring Fair at school had come and gone (sob just like winter). The day was filled with stalls selling stuffs from cakes to alcohol (only for adults) to heatbags, performances by the many bands at school, tours around the campus, pony rides, face painting and giant balloon castles. The weather - well, it was perfect many had said. I, of course, didn't really agree because 1) I don't appreciate hot weather and 2) I had to wear stockings during my performances later in the day.

Nevertheless, it was a fun day. I spent most of the time wandering around with SALLY ;) and I kept moving in and out of the boarding house, always practicing my guitar solo for the Jazz band performance, which turned out very very good! We performed Birdland and House of the Rising Sun (Again!!), both very heavy parts for the guitars. I had my guitar solo (again!) for House, which I didn't mess up this time. I soooo nailed that solo >,< . The orchestra combined up with concert band and performed selections from Moulin Rouge and Pirates of The Carribbean. Eversince then, the songs have been stuck in my head all weekend. Oh the obsession!

Few pictures to end this post. All taken by SALLY ;)

Welcome, Spring :)

& turned on the lights; 22:01

about me.

raelene. rae. roro.
eighteen years.
completed her final year of school at st caths, sydney.
is a musician, photographer and aspiring designer.
loves travelling, art, music, great food, clear blue skies, writing and ice-cream.
enjoys drowning in music, strumming random chords on the guitar, playing tennis,
finger-bashing it out on a game console and a bowl of curry laksa.
despises bad traffic, girls with long and fair faces with large contact-lensed eyes, bad food, mascara goop, hard pillows and hard beds.


RAEVILLE came about some time in the year of 2001. or 2002. it's been so long that i've forgotten already.
it all started here (i doubt the link works anymore though), in a dodgy little blog page. then it moved to here. a year later, and we moved to better things, namely blogspot.

ps. raeville is best viewed on mozilla firefox. just because it's better :)


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Blogger to Wordpress
My relationship with VideoEzy
Uncyclopedia-ed Daniel Craig
Some things I really hate.
A trip down memory lane.
Shiny happy freakin' people.
Death at a Funeral
Rainy days


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